Tynor Pouch Arm Sling Urbane


Designed for people who want to flaunt a sling as an accessory. It holds, supports and immobilizes the sprained, broken or surgically operated arm in flexion, while it recuperates. A chic, sleek and air-ventilated design suits tropical conditions.

Features of Pouch Arm Sling Urbane:

  • Outer layer with raising provides soft feel and plush looks
  • Middle PUF layer imparts cushioning and wrinkle free property.
  • Inner layer gives the required strength and non-tear ability
  • Design ensures that the chest remains uncovered.
  • Highly ventilated system of interconnected holes further improves air circulation and patient comfort.
  • Sling with double adjustment allows proper fitting and positioning of the arm.
  • P.U shoulder pad takes the entire load of the arm and provides comfort without any strain to the neck.
  • Thumb cradle maintains the thumb in the abduction and relieves thumb fatigue
  • Code: C21


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